Pole banners, lamp post banners, and street pole banners are exactly what they sound. These are signs made of very sturdy, efficient and quality materials that are meant to be placed on poles and lamp posts. The most common design is a piece of tarpaulin stretched across a sturdy metal frame and hung using durable hardware. These are hung high on poles or lamp posts near a business or along an area where the ad applies. We recommend using pole banners if you are looking for a reliable and cost-efficient advertising strategy.
Lamp post banners are easy to install and are easy to remove. It can be an easy yet efficient way to announce any sale, contest or a special offer for a new product in any business. Our banners are available in a variety of sizes to fit any ad or announcement. Only durable and quality materials are used to make sure that your ads stay for as long as you need them to stay put!
Media: 15 oz Scrim Vinyl
Color: Printed Full Color on One Side (4/0) or Two Sides (4/4) with U.V. Inks
Finish Options: Grommets and Hems OR Pole Pockets
Sizes: Choose one of our "Standard" sizes or select our "Custom Size" Option

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